Act of Contrition in Spanish-The Catholic Woman's Voice

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Act of Contrition in Spanish-The Catholic Woman's Voice

Act of Contrition in Spanish

The Act of Contrition in Spanish is a prayer that should be said regularly since it helps us to draw on God's Mercy. Dios mío, con todo mi corazón, Me arrepiento de todo el mal que he hecho Y de todo el bueno que he dejado de hacer. Al pecar, te he ofendido a ti, que eres el Supremo Bien Y digno de ser amado sobre todas las cosas. Propongo firmemente, con la ayuda de tu gracia, Hacer penitencia, no volver de pecar, Y huir de las occasiones de pecado. Señ, por los méritos de la Pasión de Nuestro Salvador, Jesucristo, Apiádate de mí. Amén.

Saying the act of contrition in Spanish or any other language of your choice regularly helps to pull down the graces of God in your life. One way to keep it close is to get printable of it, frame it, and place it on the wall of your bedroom, living room, home office, or any room you use a lot so that you remember to pray.


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